Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Programme MICS7 Data Processing Workshop 3-10 July 2024, Istanbul, Türkiye

June 13, 2024

Since 1995, UNICEF has supported the implementation of six rounds of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) around the globe, with more than 350 surveys conducted in 118 countries. MICS has evolved to respond to changing data needs, expanding from a mere 28 indicators in the first round to 177 indicators in MICS6, and becoming a key source of high-quality data on the well-being of children and women.


UNICEF launched the 7th round of MICS in 2023. As governments develop and implement national policies, plans and programmes, strategic planning, and investments are required to collect robust, representative, and disaggregated data to form the evidence base. The new round of MICS presents a unique opportunity to support this process, by including full-scale MICS surveys in long-term statistical plans, or if this is not possible, by integrating selected MICS modules in ongoing or planned household surveys.


Many new topics and modules are being introduced in MICS7. These include, but are not limited to, domestic violence against women, anthropometry for children aged 5-9 years, children’s time use, adolescent mental health and experience of food insecurity. The MICS programme also introduced several new initiatives that were developed and tested during the course of the 6th round, including improvements in survey data processing, MICS GIS, MICS Plus, and MICS Link.


MICS surveys are a key data source for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) monitoring and reporting. With enhanced content, MICS7 surveys will be generating data on 40 SDG indicators – in other words, half of all SDG indicators that can be sourced from household surveys.


As in previous rounds, a central feature of the MICS programme will be the series of regional and global workshops, bringing together country teams and the Global MICS Team experts. This information note is on the second workshop, on Data Processing.



Objectives of the Data Processing Workshop


The meeting will provide an opportunity for MICS data processing teams from implementing agencies, with the assistance of global and regional data processing experts, to:


  1. Enhance their skills in the utilization of the three software packages used by MICS: CSPro, Power Bi and SPSS;
  2. Enrich understanding of MICS data processing methodology, protocols, standards and technical guidelines;
  3. Develop draft of CAPI data collection application based on the draft questionnaire by the end of the meeting.


Countries committed to undertaking a MICS during third and fourth quarter of 2024 will prepare a draft CAPI data collection application to take back to their countries for further development, testing and installation.



Workshop Duration


The workshop will be conducted over 7 working days, starting on Jul 3 and on July 10, 2024. The workshop will take a one-day break on July 7, 2024.





The final agenda of the workshop will be made available as the workshop date approaches. The following topics will be covered during the workshop:


  • Overview of CSPro software features
  • MICS data processing system
  • CSPro digital data application development
  • Use of Microsoft Power BI for effective fieldwork monitoring and control
  • Local set-up of MICS CAPI system
  • Use of SPSS for monitoring MICS data quality



Workshop Logistics


Before the start of the workshop, we kindly request participants to go through the shared materials and practical examples on the basic use of CSPro. The link for the materials and practical examples will be provided to all participants. Please note that the resources are currently available only in English.

Participants should have at least one laptop per team (using at least Windows 7). For teams that already have tablets for data collection, it is recommended that minimum 2 tablets are brought for testing purposes.

Participants are expected to have with them the following material:

  • Draft questionnaires
  • Survey plan
  • Immunization schedule
  • Description of educations system in the country (School levels, grades, ages, etc.)
  • Detailed sample design
  • Any other survey related information that may be available by the time of the workshop star
  • A team of experts from the Global MICS Team will facilitate the workshop sessions. Sessions will be run in a participatory fashion, including a large number of sessions where facilitators will engage bilaterally with country teams Facilitators should be able to work together with survey teams on customization of the data collection and analysis programs. Facilitation will be in English.

 Workshop Participants

 The workshop is open to all countries that will be conducting MICS in third and fourth quarter of 2024.

Overall number of participants, should be kept at a reasonable size to allow an appropriate learning and discussion atmosphere. Recommendation is to invite 4 – 5 participants per country. The following team composition is recommended:

  • From the NSO
    • [2-3] Data processing experts from Implementing agency that will be working on MICS data processing activities.

[1] Staff member who will be focal points for MICS.

[1] Country-based MICS consultant (considering his/her involvement in all stages of the surveys, participation at the Data Processing workshop would be extremely beneficial for strengthening skills for the planning, organization and management of MICS).





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