Abridged Life Tables Constructed From SSHHS 2010

May 22, 2021

This is the second set of life tables constructed by National Bureau of Statistics. It utilized data collected in the SSHHS II which was conducted in 2010. These are abridged life tables constructed for each sex. These are very important tables because they assist in monitoring progress in achieving MDGs.

The construction of the tables applied indirect techniques. The input data were childhood and adulthood survivorship probabilities. The childhood survivorship probabilities were got from children ever born and children surviving data while adulthood survivorship probabilities were got from parental survivorship data. These were linked using the logit system using the fact that the logits of survivorship probabilities in the same family are linearly related. The general standard proposed by Brass was used to estimate the parameters of the relation which are used in the construction of the complete set of survivorship probabilities used in the construction of the life tables.

It is the hope of the Bureau that the planners especially for the Ministry of Health both at GRoSS and the state levels will use these indicators in setting targets so as to improve quality of life of the people of South Sudan.


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Array 22nd May 2021
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