National Baseline Household Survey 2009

May 25, 2021

The information provided in this report is from National Baseline Household Survey (NBHS) conducted by Southern Sudan Centre for Census, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE). After independence, SSCCSE has changed its name to the South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics. The NBS retain full ownership and responsibility for the information provided in this report and should be contacted directly for further information on the provided datasets.

Mapping data source and references

Mapping Data Source: Digitized boundaries from Anglo-Egyptian topographic maps and University of Bern Centre for Development and Environment (CDE).

States and Counties boundaries; SSCCSE version 2 fifth Sudan Population and Housing Census. Reference: Geographic Coordinate System, world Geographic System GCS_WGS_1984. Datum: D_WGS_1984

The administrative boundaries in the maps in this report are the boundaries used for the 2008, 5th Sudan Population and Housing Census. The boundaries are used for Census and Statistical purposes only. It does not imply acceptance or recognition by the government of South Sudan. Abyei boundary is from the permanent court of arbitration ruling 2009.


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